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New Parents

First of all, Welcome to Chariho Little League.  Below is some information to inform you of what we do, how we operate, what is expected of you/your child and some typical dates/times for our year.

How We Operate

We are a co-ed baseball organization affiliated with Little League International.  We hold baseball seasons in both the spring and fall seasons, which include tournament opportunities for certain age groups after the regular season.  We operate on a completely volunteer basis, from the president and board members all the way down to you child's coaches.  We rely monetarily primarily on registration fees, sponsorships, fundraising events and available grant programs.  We strive to minimize, if not eliminate, any extra costs on the parents beyond registration, while keeping the registration fees as minimal as possible.

We have a Board of Directors for the league.  Board members meet monthly and hold the responsibility of making the league function.  This includes financial responsibilities, field upkeep and maintenance, equipment/uniform purchase and organization, team building & scheduling, application of Little League rules and regulations and communication with parents and coaches of all divisions.

Board meetings are typically held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (excluding December), and anyone can attend a meeting.  All decisions that are made are put to a vote and passed based on a simple majority of voting members.  For information on obtaining voting rights or for more information/interest in becoming a board member, please contact our president.

What is expected of you and your child

Our expectations are simple. Since we believe in commitment, we ask that you honor the commitment league volunteers have made by making every effort to attend scheduled practices and games. We understand that life happens and things arise, we only ask that you take the league as seriously as the volunteers that are helping coach your child(ren) do.

We also ask that you remember that this is an instructional/recreational league.  Our primary objective is to teach children the great game of baseball and the values of hard work and fair play.  We are competitive beings, and that will show on the field all by itself.  We ask that you and your child understand and accept that the intent of our league is the development and enjoyment of this great game.

Lastly, we ask that your child give their best effort.  We all are born with different abilities, but this does not and should not affect effort. We only ask that your child brings their best attitude and effort to every practice and game.

Typical dates in our year

The following represents (roughly) our yearly timeline.

  • Spring Registration: Opens Mid/Late December, Closes Mid/End March
  • Evaluations:  Typically Mid/Late March on a Saturday, often 9AM - 2PM.  Evaluations are held for all players ages 9-16.  The players will go through a 5-skill evaluation that is rated by league coaches.  This is used for the draft process for the Major division and above, and as a tool to create balanced minor, junior, and senior division teams.
  • Spring Work Parties:  During weekends in April, we hold work parties on Saturday mornings to help get the grounds ready for the season.  This includes landscaping, cleaning, opening, stocking & organizing the concession area, hanging sponsor signs and overall maintenance.  The more participation we receive from parents, the more we can accomplish in less time.
  • Opening Day:  Often held on one of the last Saturdays in April.  We hold our annual ceremony to "kick-off" the season.  All players assemble on the field with their team as part of the ceremony.  Team/Individual pictures are held on this day as well.
  • Spring Season:  Games start in late April and run until mid-June.  Most leagues will have a game on a Saturday, and one during the week.  Some leagues (Majors and up) may also have a practice during the week also.
  • Calendar Raffle:  One of our biggest fundraisers, we hold a calendar raffle in the month of June. Money prizes are randomly selected and awarded every day of the month, between $50-$300 per day. Tickets are sold by the players in the month of May and prizes are given to the top two ticket sellers in the league. 
  • All-Star/Tournament teams:  For ages 8 and up, there are post-regular season opportunities to play in All-Star tournaments.  This is an extension of the regular season, but often comes with a fee to purchase uniforms.  Most tournament teams start play in late June, but will begin practicing shortly after the regular season ends.  These teams hold a bigger time commitment, as practices are numerous days per week and games are held throughout the state.  Depending on how the teams do, these tournaments can stretch into August.
  • Fall Season Registration:  Near the end of the spring season we will open Fall baseball registration. It is usually open from Mid-June and closes in late-August.
  • Fall Season:  Most fall baseball divisions play in a friendship tournament type of setting.  The time commitment is similar to the regular season, but away games are held at other locations throughout our district (Most are within 20-25 minutes of our field).
  • Fall Work Parties:  After the fall season ends, hold a work party (or two) to help get the grounds ready for the winter.  This includes landscaping, cleaning, cleaning and closing the concession area, taking down and storing sponsor signs and overall maintenance.  Like in the spring, the more participation we receive from parents, the more we can accomplish in less time.
  • Offseason:  Usually November-January.  This is where we reflect on the past year and discuss our plans for the upcoming year.  New board members are elected and positions are voted on during our November meeting.  We do not meet in December and reconvene in January to prepare for the upcoming season.

If you've made it this far, congratulations!  I know it is a lot of information, but we want to keep the league members as informed as we can.

The board facilitates making the league run, but it functions only by the help of players and their parents who give up time to help in making it all happen.  Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions/concerns/suggestions, we welcome your comments.  The contact information for our board is here.

Thank you, and welcome!
Chariho Little League

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