General Information
- Tryouts will be held on 2025 Evaluation Dates TBD.
- Tryouts are for players 10-12 who are interested in playing in our Majors division. Players already in Majors do not need to try out. If you are not sure of your child's league age, use the league age calculator.
- You will need to bring the following:
1. Glove (Required)
2. Bat (Optional) (Must be a USA stamped bat)
3. Batting gloves (Optional)
4. Cleats (Recommended)
Managers & Coaches
Managers and coaches from all divisions are encouraged to help evaluate. We need as many coaches/managers there to give us the best baseline evaluation scores for the players. Materials for evaluation will be provided by CLL.
- Tryouts will be held between TBD.
- Specific time slots will be provided by the League prior to tryouts. Please plan on arriving 15 minutes before your scheduled time. We will do our best to keep things flowing smoothly on our end, and it will be much easier to handle if players arrive on time.