Website Manager


If you are interested in either being a Manager or Coach, please be sure to sign up during registration or contact us here.

An email will be sent to each coach from JD Palatine (JDP). JDP is Little League International's preferred background check provider.

Please review Coach's/Manager's Role on the Little League website.

Notes about the Application:

  • A Manager is the Head Coach and point of contact for each team.
  • A Coach is one of possibly many assistant coaches.  They assist the Manager as necessary during games and practices.
  • At least one manager/coach per team MUST be CPR certified.
  • There must be one Manager/Coach present in the dugout at all times during games.  Ideally, 3 coaches per game is best so 2 can serve as base coaches while one can remain in the dugout and help with the players.

Managing/Coaching Responsibilities:

  • Managers in the Majors Division are required to be present at tryouts.  This is typically a Saturday morning in early to mid-March. Coaches are encouraged to participate also, but not required.
  • Major league team Managers must attend the post-tryout draft where they will draft, or select, the number of players needed to fill their team.
  • All Managers and Coaches MUST complete the Little League background check prior to working with players.


Concession Stand Duty

All parents are required to work in the concession stand for at least 1 home game during the regular season if their child plays on the Minor or Major field. This is part of your volunteer duties.

If parents did not assist in running the concession stand, our prices would raise significantly to cover the cost of umpires, uniforms (pants, shirts, hats and socks), insurance, landscaping, utilities and other league expenses. 

Coaches will assign parents a date for their concession duty.
The umpire has the ability to delay the start of the games until all concession stand parents have reported for duty.

Concession stand duties include but are not limited to: turning on appliances, taking orders, cooking food, cash handling, turning off appliances and cleaning the concession stand after your shift is over. 

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